Haryana: Five arhtiyas lose licence for paddy ‘malpractices’ in Karnal
“Malpractices” continue to haunt the district administration, which is making all-out efforts to check bogus procurement at the grain markets in the district.
At the Karnal grain market, the Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board (HSAMB) has suspended the licences of five arhtiyas for allegedly misusing the e-Kharid portal. Three of them got gate passes for paddy from Uttar Pradesh in the names of Karnal farmers. Besides, one firm got the gate pass for the arrival of parmal variety against the actual arrival of 1509, while another one managed to bring paddy on a farmer’s name in a commercial vehicle instead of the mandated tractor-trailer.
The malpractices were detected during an investigation by members of a team of the department concerned at the gate. According to the authorities associated with the investigation, they got gate passes for around 235 quintals of paddy.

A control room has been set up at the DC Camp Office where live-streaming of all gates is being monitored through CCTV cameras. A dedicated team has been deployed there to check vehicles coming in and going out.
“We have suspended the licences of five arhtiyas, including Bhavesh Enterprises, Hari Singh and Sons, Rishab Kumar- Parveen Kumar, Zile Singh- Naresh Kumar and Ankit Enterprises,” said Jatinder, secretary, Karnal Market Committee.
He maintained that the investigation of other gate passes was being conducted by members of a committee.
This article has been republished from The Tribune.